Transforming a butchery into a gastronomy

Two full-immersion days of training, hard work and sharing of ideas.
The result?
A butcher counter totally renewed in style and in the variety of products offered. Great job!
Technology is a good ally for professionals of such a traditional sector, like butchery is. More generally it can help all those activities that want to renew.
Tastes and eating habits change. The changing should never be underestimated, but rather always valued.
We like to work with those who, like the Gardin butcher’s shop, invest in renovation and want to reinvent themselves, especially after such a complicated year.
From butchery to gastronomy, thanks to the knowledge and training of our “volcano”… always ready for new challenges: Chef Leo once again in action to show the magic of Infinity all in one!
Contact us to organize your own training
Afinox srl
Via Venezia, 4
Tel. +39 0499638311 | Fax. +39 049552688
Partita IVA/Cod. Fisc.: IT 00912610284
Cap. Soc. Euro 600.000 i.v. – R.E.A. PD 159248 – Reg. Impr. PD n. 00912610284