Roberto’s Gate Village – Dubai

At Roberto’s Gate Village in Dubai you can immerse yourself in the classic Piedmont culinary experience, surrounded by captivating views of the Dubai skyline.
From business lunches to sumptuous dinners, Roberto’s has become a landmark among the restaurants and bars of the Dubai International Financial Center and repeatedly recognized as the best Italian restaurant in Dubai by the city’s most influential guides.
In this setting in which tradition and exclusive modernity come together, we had the pleasure of installing our Linear refrigerated tables, the ideal work tools for those who want simplicity and practicality.
Afinox srl
Via Venezia, 4
Tel. +39 0499638311 | Fax. +39 049552688
Partita IVA/Cod. Fisc.: IT 00912610284
Cap. Soc. Euro 600.000 i.v. – R.E.A. PD 159248 – Reg. Impr. PD n. 00912610284